Our Newest Properties
New Acquisition The Las Conchas Property hosts the Las Perlas…

Ocean Views @ Las Perlas built homes in area close to 800 residences in that…

Important Historical Facts
Historically speaking when you have a solid real estate the Stock Market is stable. Interest rates are still low and the real estate industry is healthy. The S&P 500 is going to be at its highest this summer of 2019, depicting strength.
The Company’s name change, and new trading symbol will be effective in the Over-The-Counter Marketing when we comply with submitting the necessary paperwork and FINRA has completed its review of the Company’s application to change its name.
We are formally engaged in retaining the most successful Engineers and Environmentalists to assist us in Developing “Las Perlas�?.
We are looking forward to create value and to communicate results with transparency. We are currently working on the most important tasks such as Stop Sign Removal and installing the Electrical Installation that will feed our “Las Perlas�? neighborhood in years to come.
Yours Truly,
Pedro Villagran-Garcia